Monday, December 13, 2010


Declaration: Strictly under freedom of speech provided by the Indian Constitution. Those prone to take offense should not proceed any further.

God is 'something' which is as unknown and as ambiguous as a time-travel machine. That means someone or something which is well-known can never be a God. Driven by their basic instincts many humans (only they know that there can be a God , and this is only known to humans, though considering the mystery of God, it can't be deemed as truth, and hence is just an assumption) try to become God (though those who pursue this goal are also deprived of any relevant additional information).

The paths and means vary from person to person. Some give up midway and are content in declaring themselves messengers of God, sons of God (different from Godsons), angels sent by God etc. etc. (One such messenger of God is famous for arranging mass marriages between incompatible couples in S.Korea). Some waste their whole life staying nude amidst snowy mountains, scorching deserts, or just near a tree as per their respective capabilities. Those who quit such endeavors before their death, can rightfully be called to have attained true knowledge.

Another genre of 'on the path to become God individuals' is that consisting of Godfathers. Because it is virtually impossible to become something as intangible as God is easier to become Godfather itself logically (after all: father of Maradona doesn't need to play football). However God remains the missing link here as well between the Godfathers and Godsons. Mostly Italian in origin, the chances of success of this group were ruined by an individual named Mario Puzo who made them just too well known to the world for them to ever dream of becoming God again.

Social Acceptance:
Some groups of the society (society as is reflected from 'Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam') at times have shown trends to declare an individual (or, group of individuals) as God or a relative of God (Some are forced to do so however). The IITians are most prone to the above syndrome, and if you don't have the privileges needed to choose the path of becoming God, it is a safe and easy way to get into IIT and do some Godgiri.

Ending Note:
Secret to become 'Godlike' in DOTA style: (Actually this computer game even provides you the opportunity to become 'Beyond Godlike', but again not God)

1. Go on a killing spree
2. Dominate
3. Get a Mega Kill
4. Become Unstoppable
5. Turn Wicked Sick
6. Kill a Monster
7. Godlike
....and after this....
8. Holy Shit!!...Beyond Godlike

Waiting for God to solve his mystery one day....

~ Vivek

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