Thursday, December 30, 2010

Donaldism (The Religion): A review (Excerpts from "The Book of Quack")

Disclaimer: This is a highly censored version and has nothing significant to do with those who exist and those who existed (future: improbable), and there is nothing at all to be concerned about, for those who like to be concerned about...

The man was smoking, and he thought there should be a God. And quack! There was a God, right out of the puff. God was perfect, for there was a doubt as to what be his gender, although 50% of the followers (who, after the God was named Donald 'the' Duck called themselves Donaldists later on) doubted God as a Male. God was awestruck, as were the followers, and hence to ease the situation a bit he announced in his perfectly effeminate (for there hasn't been a more effeminate tone ever in the history of anything including microwave ovens) dialect "Let there be some light". But because  it was not dark yet, so there already was some light, and thus there was no point in his announcement as there was none in his existence. God realized something, and the man realized he had sinned, almost at the same time.

The conversation between the man and the God was then sorta plagiarism-ed from 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy' (the largest selling book in universe, more than even 'Encyclopedia Galactica') by pure coincidence (although there was a possibility that God and the man both were aware of the book for it is the highest selling one).
Here is what could be recollected of the conversation, in a directly narrative manner, -
The Man said: "So God now that you are here, please come ahead and announce that you exist"
God: " That I can't do, nor can I refute it, for anything that I would say about my existence would result in the end of belief, and without belief I am nothing"
The Man: "That is enough, you can shut up now"
God: " Holy Quack! I didn't realize that" (by his effeminate speech tone)

The man again realized that he had sinned, so he went to McDonald, ordered an extra mayo burger, confessed his sin to it, and then ate it up. (It's been a prevalent trend among Donaldists ever since then, in fact it is the 3rd most popular way for redemption; first one being: peeing in the direction of Disneyland, and the 2nd one: saying "quack quack" whenever possible, as it is the only incantation uttered by God with some air of mystery to it.)

Another famous incident goes like this:
The Man: God, don't you think it is effing-quack of a fact that we are compromising with just one more God than those Atheist bimbos...
God: Ah, never thought about that! So let there be others.
(However there were others already, for even if there had been none because they ceased to exist, Carl Marx would  have been declared one anyway, and thus there was no point....)

Because of utter insignificance of God (and even the man), donaldists don't bother much about any more crap now a days including duck-shit.

The ultimate sins of Donaldism are:
Saying no to Beer
Saying no to Women
...Under any circumstances...

However suicide is a grave sin (Donaldism eats its quacks up here..though it never preaches of death and suicide bombing, for it never preaches anything of no-significance at all except things which are significant: Women and Beer) if a donaldist was to say no to any of the two because of his reason to live till and after the ends of the universe unlike a cockroach (cockroach will live only till the end of the universe), putting aside all wisdom, philosophy, and common sense, then he must seek to compensate himself asap. Because of this clause  in "The Book of Quack", Donaldists are virtually 'immorally immortals'.
(They are not 'immorally immortal asses' only because "The Book of Quack" says: "A donaldist is anything but an ass")

[Based on an illuminative discussion with self-acclaimed 'donaldistisqe prophets']

~ Vivek

Friday, December 24, 2010

Anecdotes...from IIT Days: Part I

The monk who was old
was being sold
in front of the gates
changed our fates!

And More Booze
The girl sure was hot
But, she didn't ditch me
Alas....I had already got
First Sujata then Lakshmi!

And now...
You come back to your room at 3:00 PM, do nothing for half and hour, and it's already 3:30 in the evening...
Time sure flies..

~ Vivek

Monday, December 20, 2010


If your landlord says:"You are not allowed to bring any girl inside your room" - this is called euphemism.
But if he says:"You can't bring any girl inside your room" - This is an insult.
(and a direct challenge to hit on his young and beautiful daughter - 'young' and 'beautiful' are subjective perspectives)

Monday, December 13, 2010


Declaration: Strictly under freedom of speech provided by the Indian Constitution. Those prone to take offense should not proceed any further.

God is 'something' which is as unknown and as ambiguous as a time-travel machine. That means someone or something which is well-known can never be a God. Driven by their basic instincts many humans (only they know that there can be a God , and this is only known to humans, though considering the mystery of God, it can't be deemed as truth, and hence is just an assumption) try to become God (though those who pursue this goal are also deprived of any relevant additional information).

The paths and means vary from person to person. Some give up midway and are content in declaring themselves messengers of God, sons of God (different from Godsons), angels sent by God etc. etc. (One such messenger of God is famous for arranging mass marriages between incompatible couples in S.Korea). Some waste their whole life staying nude amidst snowy mountains, scorching deserts, or just near a tree as per their respective capabilities. Those who quit such endeavors before their death, can rightfully be called to have attained true knowledge.

Another genre of 'on the path to become God individuals' is that consisting of Godfathers. Because it is virtually impossible to become something as intangible as God is easier to become Godfather itself logically (after all: father of Maradona doesn't need to play football). However God remains the missing link here as well between the Godfathers and Godsons. Mostly Italian in origin, the chances of success of this group were ruined by an individual named Mario Puzo who made them just too well known to the world for them to ever dream of becoming God again.

Social Acceptance:
Some groups of the society (society as is reflected from 'Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam') at times have shown trends to declare an individual (or, group of individuals) as God or a relative of God (Some are forced to do so however). The IITians are most prone to the above syndrome, and if you don't have the privileges needed to choose the path of becoming God, it is a safe and easy way to get into IIT and do some Godgiri.

Ending Note:
Secret to become 'Godlike' in DOTA style: (Actually this computer game even provides you the opportunity to become 'Beyond Godlike', but again not God)

1. Go on a killing spree
2. Dominate
3. Get a Mega Kill
4. Become Unstoppable
5. Turn Wicked Sick
6. Kill a Monster
7. Godlike
....and after this....
8. Holy Shit!!...Beyond Godlike

Waiting for God to solve his mystery one day....

~ Vivek